Encyklopedie cloudu – stručný průvodce cloudovým prostředím | ORBIT

Cloud Encyclopedia: a quick guide to the cloud

Cloud finance aneb jak (u)řídit náklady v cloudu | ORBIT

Cloud finance or how to (u)manage costs in the cloud

Cloud can be a good servant, but he can also be a bad master. This is doubly true in the area of finance and costs.
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GitOps - modern management and operation of applications and infrastructure | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Cloud Management 3: Move to GitOps – a modern approach to application and infrastructure management and operations

GitOps brings efficiency, reliability and greater security to the process of deploying applications and managing IT infrastructure. How to adopt this concept?
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GDPR, NIS 2 a DORA rizika z pohledu geografie: jak na cestování dat mezi kontinenty?

GDPR, NIS 2 and DORA risks from a geography perspective: how to travel data between continents?

National borders still play a big role in regulation. The GDPR, NIS 2 and DORA define the risks to watch out for when transferring personal data.
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Ukládání dat v cloudu | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

Data storage in the cloud: make sure you know what, why, where and how

What is the importance of storing data in the cloud? How to do it right and why should companies consider Azure and AWS tools?
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Proč tvořit cloud native aplikace | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

Why create cloud native applications? In the cloud, nothing else even makes sense

Are you writing a new app or does the old one need to be rewritten from the ground up? Require a cloud native approach from your suppliers and subordinates - it will pay off.
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Skenování zranitelností aneb jak předejít bezpečnostním hrozbám v public cloudu | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

Cloud Management 2: Vulnerability Scanning – How to Prevent Security Threats in the Public Cloud

Vulnerability scanning will ensure the security of your IT systems and data in the public cloud. Let's take a look at specific security threats and how to manage them.
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Jak pomůže NIS2 zvýšit i vaši kybernetickou bezpečnost

How NIS2 will also help improve your cyber security

Cloud compliance / /
Co nového přinese směrnice NIS2? Kdo pod její účinnost bude spadat a odkdy? Řešte raději kybernetickou bezpečnost své společnosti už nyní.
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Správa cloudu 1: Nepatchujte, redeployujte! | Encyklopedie cloudu

Cloud Management 1: Don’t patch, redeploy!

Cloud management can be taken care of - manually, or in a modern way - with software and with the help of automation. The next mini-series of articles will be about that.
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Přenos osobních údajů do USA: jak se vyznat v pravidlech? | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

Transfer of personal data to the US (and other third countries): how to navigate the recommendations when they go against each other?

Different institutions issue different recommendations for the transfer of personal data to the US. Why? And will the transatlantic data protection agreement solve the problems?
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Co čeká české pojišťovny v rámci digitální strategie EU (mj. od ČNB)? | ORBIT

What awaits Czech insurance companies under the EU digital strategy (including from the CNB)?

How will the EU digital strategy affect the CNB's actions? The risk management systems of financial institutions (banks, insurance companies) will include cyber and ICT risks.
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8 principles to ensure cloud security or a different perspective on cloud security than you expect

8 principles to ensure cloud security or a different perspective on cloud security than you expect

Is shared responsibility for security in the cloud a risk or a benefit? By following the eight principles of cloud security, you can turn worry into excitement.
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Backing up and disaster recovery to the cloud has a number of advantages. Choose one of the recommended scenarios in time

Backing up and disaster recovery to the cloud has a number of advantages. Choose one of the recommended scenarios in time

Do you think of backups as a fringe thing? Choose an appropriate cloud backup scenario, including recommended Azure or AWS tools, while there's still time.
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Cloud and on-premise tenets from a governance perspective | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

The Ten Commandments for a smooth coexistence of cloud and on-premise from a governance perspective

How to arrange cloud adoption? Can we ensure its smooth coexistence with on-premise IT? How to set up the right governance? These ten commandments give a clue.
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Compute-intensive and legacy applications: how to migrate them to the cloud? | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Compute-intensive and legacy applications require a specific approach before migrating to the cloud. Why is it worth it?

Computationally intensive and legacy applications do not achieve satisfactory performance in the cloud. How to avoid economic losses and user dissatisfaction?
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Behind the scenes of Microsoft 365 Groups: how to properly set up a new team in Teams or Outlook?

Behind the scenes of Microsoft 365 Groups: how to properly set up a new team in Teams or Outlook?

Anyone can form a team in MS Teams, and if the organization allows it, it's no problem. But do you know what all is created in the background and what your newly created team is connected to? After reading this article, you will agree that your new knowledge will pay off.
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Jaká je vaše cloudová vyspělost? Napovíme, jak ji určit | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

What is your cloud maturity? We’ll tell you how to determine it.

In this article, I will tell you how to evaluate cloud maturity, what is overestimated and what is underestimated.
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Co přinese DORA? Nejvýznamnější poskytovatelé cloudu se dostanou pod dohled orgánů | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

What will DORA bring? The most prominent cloud providers will come under scrutiny by the authorities.

What will DORA bring? What is "digital operational resilience"? The most prominent cloud providers will come under scrutiny by the authorities.
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Continuous cloud compliance: keeping your cloud safe | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Continuous cloud compliance: keeping your cloud safe

It's simple: cloud security is purely your responsibility. How to secure it? It's not easy. Continuous cloud compliance will answer you.
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Why you can't get into the coud without a strategy and a roadmap | ORBIT

4 defensive walls: why can’t you overcome them without a strategy and a roadmap?

Deploying the cloud means addressing pressing IT areas - architecture, development, operations, processes, compliance... You can't do it without a strategy and a roadmap.
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The journey to the cloud: what led to it and how to successfully migrate to the cloud

The journey to the cloud: what led to it and how to successfully migrate to the cloud

Using the cloud is a common reality these days. I've been thinking for some time now about the experience of cloud projects and what kind of journey it takes to say "we've successfully migrated there". And here's what I figured out.
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Infrastructure as a Code: Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Infrastructure as a Code: Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask

When is it most sensible to rely on the Infrastructure as a Code concept? What are the advantages? And which tools to use to achieve the desired state?
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Když v cloudu, tak DevOps. Proč? | ORBIT

If in the cloud, then DevOps. Why?

He is much talked and written about now. How does DevOps apply to maintaining on-premise infrastructure and how does it apply in the cloud?
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High availability of services in the cloud – how to do it?

How high should the availability of services in the cloud be? What does "high availability" consist of, what do we need to take into account and how big an SLA is enough?
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Kontejnery v oblacích | ORBIT

Containers in the cloud – how to use them in the cloud?

From Docker and tools like Swarm, Kubernetes and OpenShift to application containerization and containers in the cloud. Let's see how to do it.
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Fault injection – rozbij si sám! | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

Fault injection or break it yourself!

If it works, don't touch it? No way. You have to proactively tinker with the IT architecture to deal with real incidents. Vivat fault injection!
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FinOps – peníze až na prvním místě | ORBIT

FINOPS – money first

How to achieve efficient use of resources in a dynamic environment such as the public cloud? FinOps is the answer.
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Encryption keys: where to put them and how to work with application secrets in the cloud? | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Encryption keys: where to put them and how to work with application secrets in the cloud?

Which tools can we use at work when it comes to encryption keys and application secrets in the cloud? Let's see what principles to honor.
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Deployment pipelines: let's do it in the cloud! | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Deployment pipeline: let’s do it in the cloud!

Cloud computing / /
How can automation, the public cloud and various AWS and Azure tools help us build a deployment pipeline?
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Cloud Monitoring | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Monitoring in the cloud

Want to monitor what's happening in the cloud? But which tool to choose? Only properly set up monitoring will give you the right information at an affordable price.
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Audit logs in the cloud | ORBIT

Audit logs in the cloud: who was it?!

Why store and process cloud audit logs? Because they'll come in handy. But which tools to use to analyse them?
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Backup in the cloud: why, when, what and, most importantly, how? | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Backup in the cloud: why, when, what and, most importantly, how?

Your data in the cloud is not automatically protected. What should cloud backup look like so that we can actually restore the data in the required time?
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Tagging in the cloud: how to get the most out of it? | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Tagging in the cloud: how to get the most out of it?

Tagging matters! Should we "patch" every virtual machine, network, database and container? Which tags make sense and how to make the most of them in the cloud?
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Network architecture or untangling cloud networks | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Network architecture or untangling cloud networks

Enterprise network architecture in the cloud tends to vary in complexity. We'll give you advice on how to stay untangled in cloud networks.
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Tame costs in the cloud: subscriptions, billing, services | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Tame costs in the cloud: subscriptions, billing, services

Which decisions have a major impact on the price of cloud services? You can also turn your costs in the cloud to your advantage. We'll show you how.
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Preparing the cloud environment ORBIT

Preparing your cloud environment: how to do it?

How to systematically proceed before migrating workloads and applications to the landing zone? Careful preparation of the cloud environment is essential.
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Application assessment: how to get applications into the cloud? | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Application assessment: how to get applications into the cloud?

How to easily transfer applications to the cloud? Application assessment will bring you modernisation, higher availability, better application security and savings.
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Serverless computing: even without servers! | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Serverless computing: even without servers!

What is serverless computing? What are its (dis)advantages and how does it differ from PaaS? Let's see how to run applications without worrying about the server infrastructure.
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Platform as a Service | Encyklopedie cloudu ORBIT

Focus on applications: platform as a service (PaaS)

What are PaaS platform services for? What are the most used ones and why use them in the cloud? Platform as a Service at a glance.
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Building the Foundations: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Building the Basics: Infrastructure as a Service | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Please what is IaaS? Learn about the benefits and pitfalls of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
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Cloud maturity: how mature am I for the cloud? | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia

Cloud maturity: how mature am I for the cloud?

How is a company's cloud maturity determined? What is it actually good for, how do you assess it, and what stage of the maturity model are you at?
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Awareness of cloud services, their purpose, advantages and disadvantages is often superficial and fragmented in our region. That is why the Encyclopedia of Cloud was created – a series of articles by Orbit tribesmen that will reliably introduce anyone interested in the Czech market to the issue of cloud IT services.

As ORBIT, we have been working intensively on cloud services for years. We apply our 30 years of experience to this modern technological aspect of our customers’ IT lives. Every year we implement several large and small IT change projects that are closely related to the cloud environment (e.g. at MONETA Money bank or Raiffeisenbank).

During our daily contact with our customers, we became aware of a previously unheard demand for a certainguidebook, if you will, to the cloud world. Many managers and IT specialists of Czech organizations find it difficult to find time and reasons for self-study of lengthy English articles (not to mention obtaining certifications).

The aim of this series is not to present all cloud services in detail (after all, the detailed material is full of YouTube), but to help readers understand the services, understand their purpose and provide an expert view on the options offered (at least in terms of the services of the majority providers in our region, ie Microsoft and Amazon).

Even your "cloud journey" needs a guide

Encyklopedie cloudu

Encyklopedie cloudu

Cloud encyclopedia

Cloud encyclopedia