Cloud Encyclopedia - A quick guide to the cloud | ORBIT

Cloud Encyclopedia: a quick guide to the cloud

  • GitOps - modern management and operation of applications and infrastructure | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia
  • GDPR, NIS 2 and DORA risks from a geography perspective| ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia
  • Cloud Storage | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia
  • Why create cloud native applications | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia
  • Vulnerability scanning or how to prevent security threats in the public cloud | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia
  • How NIS2 can help you improve your cyber security
  • Cloud compliance 2023: what did last year bring and what will and (probably) won't pass us by this year | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia
  • Cloud Management 1: Don't Patch, Redeploy! | Cloud Encyclopedia
  • Transferring personal data to the US: how to navigate the rules | ORBIT Cloud Encyclopedia
  • What awaits Czech insurance companies under the EU digital strategy (including from the CNB) | ORBIT


Awareness of cloud services, their purpose, advantages and disadvantages is often superficial and fragmented in our region. That's why Encyclopedia of Cloud was created - a series of articles by Orbit tribesmen that will reliably introduce anyone interested in the Czech market to the issues of cloud IT services.

Cloudovým službám se jako ORBIT věnujeme již léta. Každoročně realizujeme velké i menší změnové IT projekty, které úzce souvisejí s cloudovým prostředím (ať už v AWS cloud, Azure cloud či u jiných poskytovatelů).

Během každodenního kontaktu se zákazníky jsme si uvědomili dosud nevyslyšenou poptávku po určitém guidebookif you want guides to the cloud world. Mnoho manažerů i IT specialistů se totiž obtížně prokousává záplavou článků nejrůznější úrovně a obtížnosti.

The aim of this series is not to present all cloud services in detail, but help readers to understand the services, understand their purpose and provide an expert perspective na nabízené možnosti (alespoň pokud jde o služby majoritních poskytovatelů v našem regionu, tj. Microsoftu a Amazonu).

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